I am so very lucky to be surrounded by good people. One of those folks is my buddy Brad.
I have known him I suppose close to 10 years if not longer. In that time we have not spent a great deal of time together. Really we have not shared all that many conversations that were of any deep meaning.
But we are friends, in fact I would call him my inner circle of family as I know if I ever needed anything he is just a phone call away. I love him for that and I hope he feels that reassurance when he thinks of me!
He is a crafty fella. I admire that quality in people and have passed a few things his way knowing he would create fun and feared toys with them. I have NEVER been disappointed !
It was his birthday a few weeks ago and I wanted to create something special for him as I know he will really appreciate it more then anything I could buy.
I have been threatening my male friends since I started sewing that I was going to make them boxers and they would have to wear them at least once so I can get a picture for my chronicles!
I had made a valiant but thwarted attempt in creating a toga out of this wonderful flowery material that happened to be preys bedsheet from when she was a kid. The story goes that she used them for years.. perhaps having an occasional "accident" in bed but I digress.
Brad is huge into recycling so when it came to choosing the material for his panties the bedsheet/failed toga was a perfect fit.
I used a pattern for shorts I had and off I went into the creation of my first pair of Boxers.
They went together way too fast as if they were excited to be being used again! The little flowers looked happy.. I can only imagine how they will feel about me after being on his ass for a day!
Either way the end result was fantastic.
We gave him them at dinner a few days before his birthday. Surrounded by our friends! He LOVED them and I have been waiting to hear if they fit since then.
I just got pictures yesterday of him modeling them and so will begin my little photo album.
Here you only get his bottom but know that he is showing off his pipes to me in the top half!!
I am so happy they fit and that they have such a great history. I suppose I should share their origin with him now that he has worn them!!
Please know I am laughing as I write this.
If it is any consolation I used the top sheet!
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